Thursday, November 6, 2014

Days Seventy-four through One hundred twenty-nine - September 12 - November 6, 2014

Nope. Just not a very good blogger. Don't want to talk about myself every day....or even a couple of times per week. But I do like to keep track of what's going on, what my plans are, occasionally how I'm doing, that sort of thing. And I do have some ideas and plans for the coming year that I want to share and feel accountable for. I don't want to disappoint my three followers! ;)

Well, I have been trying to eat healthy for over 100 days now, with mixed success. It's really hard for me to be consistent in keeping track of what I eat (like a food journal.......or blog......yeah). But I have been consistently weighing myself every day, no matter how bad the number looks to me. I have been doing an "elimination" diet with my youngest son the last 5 + weeks. Although I have done this particular diet two other times and am fairly certain which foods I mostly need to steer clear of (soy, corn, wheat, eggs....the reactions are not severe, but I feel better when I only eat them occasionally instead of daily or even weekly), my youngest son has been suffering from daily headaches, so I convinced him to try the diet to see if they are caused by some food or combination of foods. Hence my third (and hopefully last) time to do an elimination diet. The whole thing has been a real struggle for me, and I have been weakening greatly the last week. I can barely keep eating the same boring stuff for the next week, and I have cheated (I admit it) two or three times in the last 5 1/2 weeks.

The good news is, while on the diet, my son's headaches have been greatly reduced (but not completely eliminated), and I have lost 6 pounds. Although I am happy about that and it feels good to eat healthy, I am dissatisfied with the food, and I am worried (I admit it) about being able to stick to healthy eating when it's over. I am frequently tired from lack of sleep, and too weighed down with work and household responsibilities to be consistent in exercise. I am honestly stumped about how to overcome my obstacles and challenges. I'm not giving up however. I keep searching for the right combination of scheduling and goals to make everything work together and fit in all the things I want to do in a week.

I will write more about my plans in another post, but for now I will try very hard to be positive and celebrate the small victory of healthy eating for a month and 6 pounds lost.....and hopefully helping my son gain a better lifestyle of eating. Yay me.