Friday, November 16, 2012

5 Days Into It...

Okay, so I've been trying to be healthy now for 5 whole days, with mixed success. I ate really healthy almost exclusively, fresh stuff and such, and avoiding white sugar and white flour completely. I weighed this morning and I was down a pound. Pretty good. It would have been more I think, but I caught a nasty cold and didn't exercise the last three days (hence, the mixed part). I will keep trying to get all my "ducks in a row", with setting up goals and plans, and going back on to get my trackers up and running again. Stay tuned. It will get more exciting! (or at least more interesting)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Yes, it's me, and I'm so back again. I worked on my other know, that favorite of mine, for almost a year. I did, in that time, finish my first novel, for which I was very proud of myself. Have I written anything since then? Have I worked on one of the other two novels I have started (oh wait, three now) or did I start working on the edit of that first one? Nope. Nyet. Nicht. I did start the sequel to that book, and got a couple of chapters into it, then I had to go back to work (long story....I will probably elaborate some time), so my creative time is very limited, which also makes it harder to create....on demand.

Anyway, I actually wasn't planning to EVER blog again, feeling like a total and complete failure at it, since nobody ever reads my words, and that depresses me (although going back and reading some of those words actually made me laugh, so I feel okay about it). Then someone very close to me started a private blog about her journey to fitness and better overall health, and I said I would join her on this quest. To that end, part of the new incarnation of my blog will be all the in's and out's of my personal fitness journey....and I will mimic many parts of HER blog, so that I don't have to be too creative about it. I'll let her do all the heavy lifting...heheh. I'm working on my plans and pages; look for those very soon.

Those couple of you who will read this, thanks. Welcome back to my world, which is all right. in. here.