Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Yes, it's me, and I'm so back again. I worked on my other blog...you know, that favorite of mine, for almost a year. I did, in that time, finish my first novel, for which I was very proud of myself. Have I written anything since then? Have I worked on one of the other two novels I have started (oh wait, three now) or did I start working on the edit of that first one? Nope. Nyet. Nicht. I did start the sequel to that book, and got a couple of chapters into it, then I had to go back to work (long story....I will probably elaborate some time), so my creative time is very limited, which also makes it harder to create....on demand.

Anyway, I actually wasn't planning to EVER blog again, feeling like a total and complete failure at it, since nobody ever reads my words, and that depresses me (although going back and reading some of those words actually made me laugh, so I feel okay about it). Then someone very close to me started a private blog about her journey to fitness and better overall health, and I said I would join her on this quest. To that end, part of the new incarnation of my blog will be all the in's and out's of my personal fitness journey....and I will mimic many parts of HER blog, so that I don't have to be too creative about it. I'll let her do all the heavy lifting...heheh. I'm working on my plans and pages; look for those very soon.

Those couple of you who will read this, thanks. Welcome back to my world, which is all right. in. here.

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