Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Retail Manners #8

Please give the customer in front of you in line their space (and time with the cashier).  The pace of our society is too fast. Even here in this more-laid-back city, everyone seems to be in this big rush all the time. People become harried, and because of that, they become least that's the reason I use to "excuse" bad or rude behavior sometimes. People are in a hurry to get where they're going, to get all the things on their lists done, to get back to work, or to get home from work because they have a list of things to do there. People become pushy and aggressive, and one way this exerts itself is to try to "push" the line forward a little by crowding the person in front of them. Back off! You're not going to get your transaction done any quicker by staring at the person ahead of you or boring a hole in the cashier with your eyes. Some crowd so closely behind the one in front that they can actually watch the person put their PIN in the card reader. That's too close. Personal space, people. I absolutely hate to feel crowded. One way I keep the hounds at bay when I'm the one in line is to keep my cart behind me once I've emptied it. At least that way I don't feel like someone is actually looking over my shoulder.

On a similar note, please wait your turn to talk to the cashier about your transaction. Just wait. It's not that difficult, just hang on to your thought about doubling your coupon, or that thing you've decided not to won't forget, honest. Just wait until the person in front of you gets their receipt and takes their bags. They deserve the cashier's undivided attention for that few minutes that its their turn, just like you do. Insisting on telling the cashier your oh-so-very-important message before they have finished with their current customer is VERY rude. You know, I like to smile at the next person in line and say "hi" while I'm scanning the first's items, but I have this habit (right or wrong)...if I can tell that the next customer is really antsy and impatient from my peripheral vision, I will purposely not make eye contact, if I can help it, until it's their turn. Sometimes it works, sometimes they'll butt in anyway, whether I've acknowledged them or not. Yes, it really bugs me. Take a chill pill, okay?

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