Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13 ----- Aaaaack!

I cannot believe we are already two weeks into 2017 and I am just now posting for the first time this year! Sigh. Just not enough hours in the day........not. enough. And yet, I'm exhausted at the end of the ones I do have, so I suppose it's just as well, isn't it?

So many things bubbling in my head today. You might be wondering how I'm doing on those many and wondrous goals I have set for myself this year. So many goals, so much chaos in my head! Well, let's see, I have been reading the Bible most days since sometime in December, so I'm a little ahead of the curve on that one. But here's the deal, I'm trying very hard to start reading the Bible to my grandson for 30 minutes most days, so I'm going to have to count that into my reading. He chose for us to start in Exodus, which coincidentally I was already starting to read for myself, so I think I'll concentrate on the Old Testament with him for now, and I'll make sure I read at least one chapter in the New Testament every day to compensate for the rest of my reading schedule. I think that will cover that part.

I have begun again The Traveler's Gift, and am committing to memory decision for success #1. I have several scriptures to go with this, and I'm going to choose two of them and add them to my Scripture Typer list to help me memorize them. Also, hubby and I were given a "couples devotional" type book by a friend, with 365 short devotions to do together, so we're doing that before bed at night. So far we like it pretty well.

I am, of course, struggling with my daily schedule, always changing when to do stuff and how to fit things in, and the list of things I want to get done on a daily basis. I was trying to do one basic chore every day, but I just don't think I'm going to be able to do that...there are just too many variables to my afternoons. Since I have Mondays off, I am trying to get at least two or three of them done on that day, and if I alternate a couple of them each week, at least the basics will get done every other week, and I think I can live with that. I'm not doing the kitchen and laundry every single day, but I'm keeping up with them pretty well. While my grandson was on Christmas vacation, the house stayed a wreck, but now that he's back in school, I'm able to stay on top of straightening a little better also.

Much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm going to have to exercise first thing in the morning during the winter months (which means getting up another half hour earlier --- ugh), not trying to do it after work for some of the same reasons as the chore thing, but also because I'm so tired after work that I just want to lie down and rest for half an hour when I get home, before cooking dinner. That may change with some herbs I'm going to try (more about that in a bit), but until I gain more energy, early morning will have to be it, except on Sunday and Monday (my days off). Since you don't know my daily schedule, I'll tell you. I have to be at work at 6am, and I currently try to get up at 4, but more often than not it's 4:30. If I'm going to exercise at least 30 minutes, I'll have to get up at 3:30....urghhhhhhhhh. I don't see any way around it!

As for my eating habits, they are a work in progress. For the moment, I'm trying to drink a lot more water and cut out almost all white sugar. I'm working toward a simplified "paleo" approach, which will basically be a lot more vegetables, some protein with each meal, good fats, limited fruit, low carb, but healthy ones, healthy grains on a limited basis, no white sugar or flour. I will probably allow myself one cheat meal per week (not a whole day!). One of the hardest habits for me to takes a LOT of pep talking to myself!

Ah yes, the Creative ME.....yes, she has been totally neglected so far, but I'm going over my goals for this year at least a couple of times per week, which helps keep them at the forefront of my mind. And see? I'm writing this blog.....finally....which is on my creative list of things to do. So it's a teeny tiny baby step of creativity but it IS being creative to write. So it serves a dual purpose. I'm holding myself accountable to my goals and I'm being creative at the same time.....well, at least relatively so. I know this post isn't particularly creative, or even interesting, but it's a start. I'll work on entertaining you later. Ha!

Well, there ARE other goals that I'm going to work on, but that's more talk for another day. For now, I'm pooped and going to toddle off to bed. Ta-ta, dear readers. Stay with me, it will get better....hopefully.

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