Sunday, March 26, 2017

I Have Found A Direction (at least temporarily)

I have been wanting to use this blog that I have had for SEVERAL years --- I'll bet most of you didn't know that; not surprising since I have been extremely sporadic in keeping up with it --- anyway, I've been wanting to use it THIS time to chronicle my journey from an apathetic, unmotivated, fat and tired life to an excited, motivated, healthy, joyful, productive and fulfilled life. Does that sound lofty? Improbable? Maybe. But I've been drifting along, depressed and apathetic for far too long. Listen to me, people. If you're not growing, improving, moving forward, then you are NOT sitting still, you are sliding back and down. That's the truth.

Now growing and improving is different for everyone. We all have different personalities, different goals, different abilities. And that's just fine, that's what makes the world so interesting! Some people want to be President (and we've seen the proof over and over that anyone can accomplish that!), some people want to be a best-selling author, or the best kindergarten teacher that ever lived. Many people don't want to be the best at anything, just a perfectly adequate version of themselves. And that's great too. But we all need to set goals and stretch and strive to attain them. That's part of being human. The Lord made us to be growing our whole lives, learning, experiencing, making the most of the one and only life he has given us. That's the way to be grateful for this life and to find your joy.

And the truth is, I've wasted much much time in my one and only life. I'm not trying to belittle my accomplishments, I'm being honest about the fact that I'm a time waster. I assume (perhaps wrongly, I don't know) that the majority of people out there are big time-wasters. I don't want to be part of that majority any more. No more just sitting, no more vegging out in front of one screen or other, shutting out the world and "escaping" from my own inadequacies (as I see them).

So here we are. And I had a bright idea. I'm seeking ways to improve my life, to improve my productivity (also studying to teach a short class in the fall on time management --- kills two birds --- I'm my own guinea pig!). One of the ways I'm doing that is to read several self-help books and a few blogs during the next five months. And you, my happy readers, will reap the benefit of these forays into the vast world of self-help. As I read each book, I will critique it right here, on my own little soap box! Doesn't that sound like fun? I knew you'd be thrilled. I know I am, just to be having bright ideas again --- thank you Lord, for that.

The first book I'm reading is Split Second Choice - The Power of Attitude, by Jim Winner (his real name). Yes, attitude really is everything...that's why I'm working to improve mine. I'll let you know how this one goes. If you've read it before, no spoilers please!

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