Thursday, March 2, 2017

Share Your Secret With Me Please

Okay, I'm baffled here. I honestly want to know your secret. You people who spring from your bed, (I'll give you a minor pass in the dead of winter --- it's tough for anyone that's snuggled nicely under the covers to be excited to get up in a cold room) joyously excited to begin another day. I know you're out there. I just don't know how you do it.

Don't get me wrong, I am a morning person. I have the most energy, think the clearest and get the most accomplished before one or two o'clock. I fade quickly after that. I'm even the most cheerful in the morning. It's just that it is SOOOOO HARD to make myself get up, to drag my carcass out of that bed. And of course it's even harder in the winter. AND I usually have to get up while it is still dark, and go to work in the dark, so it feels like it's still night time.

Oh yes, I can manage it easier when there's something really fun brewing, like a vacation. I can even push harder when there's lots to do and I'm expecting company that day. But on regular days, especially work days, how can I convince myself to stop pressing that snooze button and get up? I WANT to spring joyously out of bed and be excited for a new day, I really do. But so far, I haven't found a way to feel that.



  1. I feel the same way, but I will say this: I gave up on my snooze button a few years ago. I told myself I was exchanging real sleep with fake sleep that was unsatisfying, so I chose a time when I really need to get up and when my alarm goes off, I get up. I'm still not a morning person at all, but I somehow trained myself to do this and it feels like less of a fight.

  2. Maybe you need chickens. They start making noise about an hour before sunrise and don't let up. It's like they're saying hurry up, let us out, feed us. I think knowing they're out there waiting for me helps gets me going.
