Monday, February 27, 2017


I was talking with my daughter this morning (messaging --- we live all the way across the country from each other), and through that discussion, and a timely chat with my doctor coincidentally, I had a minor epiphany. I'll add here that I have had a couple of MAJOR epiphanies in the past ten years, but this one ranks up there pretty high, as far as minor ones go. Almost a major one, but not quite. Anyhooo....

It gradually hit me like a ton of bricks that I'm really not as young as I used to be. "Do tell?" you're probably thinking. "What are you, an idiot? You're pushing 60." Yes, I know I'm getting there. My aches and pains and minor maladies remind me on a daily basis. It's hard to put into words how I've been rationalizing my less-than-healthy lifestyle and habits. It's like my subconscious has stubbornly refused to believe that my body, muscle mass, metabolism, etc. is any different than it was 20 years ago, when menopause was still distant on the horizon and my inner workings were in top-notch condition, chugging away nicely. And it's not like I didn't see it coming. I remember writing in my journal (an on-again-off-again undertaking), while I was in my 40's, that if I didn't get the extra weight off before menopause, it was going to be twice as hard after.

Well, here I am folks. Post-menopausal, "cancer survivor" ---- so far, thank the Lord. It takes 5 years before they'll say you're really cancer-free, and it's been less than a year for me ---- and obese (with high cholesterol and borderline blood pressure). Yes, I can say that. 50 pounds or more and you are declared obese, it said so right on my cancer diagnosis. I got a good look at myself in a full length mirror today at the doctor's office, and it's been quite a while....QUITE a while. I look like Porky Pig. I'm not being unreasonably harsh with myself, I'm being honest. I am fat (remind me to share a brief encounter with a woman at work who was insistent that I am not fat .... that is really not helpful, lady).

Okay, I own it. Up front and in my face with it. Forget all the stuff I've been spouting about eating healthy and being motivated to exercise and wanting to get healthy. It's time to get real. To actually SEE the problem, accept it, and do something about it. It's time to get busy. I can do that.

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