Monday, August 19, 2019

Post-Move Update

Hey, my faithful few!

Well, as most of you know, I DID finally start packing boxes...about 10 days before my move to the little rural burg of Caldwell, Idaho. It got done, with the help of several good friends, who kept me moving forward and somewhat focused on the task. And I was able to downsize and de-clutterfy (of course that's a word!) quite a bit. I had no choice, the house we bought is literally half the size of our old Big House. I couldn't be happier with the size of this house! So many LESS places to stash unneeded stuff!! Of course, once we were moved in, I came to the realization that I can do without about 5 or 6 more boxes worth of stuff. Ah well, I'll get to that a little at a time. Now that I have fewer things, I find I really really like that. I want less.....and less!

The slight problem I am now faced with...we have a storage unit (weeelllll, actually 2) full of boxes and boxes of stuff I don't want in my house, stuff I was planning to put in a yard sale, a yard sale I no longer want ANY part of! Ugh, no way. Lesson learned. Don't hang on to stuff at all, unless you're really committed to making a little money and putting in the huge effort to make that little bit of money. Ah well, most of it I will just make my hubby and son take to the thrift store! Not my problem...teehee. I do have several pieces of decent furniture that we plan to sell on Craig's List, but that too will have to wait until hubby is ready to do it, when he's finally completely fed up with paying that storage rental fee every month. It will happen soon enough.

Moved in, mostly decorated (only have pictures left to hang), grass in the front and back yard, weeds almost under control...not too bad for being here 4 1/2 months already! I like coming home to this house now, and I love that it still has that new house smell, even with a big ole dopey dog. It makes me happy to have new for the first time in about 28 years. I just LOVE new. Really really.

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