Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Procrastinator, Thy Name is ANN.

Oooooh yeah, that's me. I put off everything! You may think I'm exaggerating, but really...most of the time, most of the things. I procrastinate housework. I procrastinate laundry. I procrastinate kitchen cleaning. I procrastinate getting up in the morning (just long enough that I'm always about two minutes late for work...our company grants us a ten minute window, so that it's not really a big deal and no one is waiting on me to clock in for their lunch or anything; the first two to three hours of my day I'm working on my own...but still....I've been trying so HARD the past year to clock in ON TIME that I get very frustrated with myself).

I am currently procrastinating packing boxes for an upcoming move (which is just craziness, because I've begun to look forward to moving, and am VERY excited about cleaning out a bunch of stuff accumulated over the last eight years we've lived in the Big House. I really like tossing stuff and simplifying and starting fresh in a new place). I've had a whole bunch of boxes sitting in my dining room for about five days. I have tape. I have markers. I have a notebook to record the contents of each packed box and which room it will go to. I have a general plan for the flow of my packing. And yet....have I packed a single box? Nope. When am I going to get started anyway? Dunno. I'll get to it! It's most likely because it is a HUGE and daunting task, and I'm overwhelmed. Yeah, that's it.

I honestly haven't a clue why I am this way (I'm really not much of a navel-gazer unless forced into it). And it seems that I have this innate ability to push starting things until the very last minute that I will be able to get it done on time (yes, occasionally I miscalculate and have to scramble to get something finished). I have, once in a blue moon, started early on a project to give myself plenty of time to perfect it...but I have to be over-the-moon excited about it or very nervous about failure. There has to be great emotion attached. Generally, I guess I'm apathetic about many things. This is not a good thing, guys.

Anyway, I'll bet there are some of you out there who have the same struggle (I really want to say "character flaw" but I don't want to be as hard on the rest of you as I am on myself). Each day I make a plan and resolve to start on this monumental task. Each day I come home from work tired and don't do a thing about it (if only my daughter were here...she'd give me the gentle shove/kick in the pants I need to get going; once I'm moving I have the tendency to keep moving until it's finished...a body in motion and all that). It will get done, just like everything else eventually gets done. I just don't keep up with the pace as well as I used to, or bounce back from total exhaustion as easily. If I wait too long to start, I will be killing myself to get finished. Eeeeeeek! I need to start!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Consider yourself kicked!!! Make small goals. One box. Two boxes. The you will see it flows from there! Wish I was there to help!!!

  3. Listen to your daughter. She speaks wisdom. :) And stop telling yourself you are a procrastinator.

  4. You can do this!
    And where are you moving to? The thing Ive learned most about moving is to go through, sort out, throw away BEFORE you pack. Moving gets crazy and you start just throwing things in boxes, telling yourself you’ll sort it out when you unpack. Never happens. Almost all the things that I’ve had packed away thinking I’ll need them have been ruined by the storage process.
