Saturday, July 20, 2013

Retail Manners #3

Don't treat the cashier like your own personal slave. Yes, cashiers are in customer service. And yes, we are there to serve you...we get paid that handsome salary to do so. But you can treat us with respect, like putting a "please" with your requests, so it doesn't sound quite so much like a demand. You don't have to toss things at us, or snatch your money out of our hands, or roll your eyes if we're not quite as fast as you "need" us to be (this includes heaving a big sigh when there is a hold-up....usually it's not our fault, just stuff that happens, and if it is, hey! we're only human and make the occasional mistake.


  1. I could hear the sarcasm dripping from that word "handsome". :-) I've enjoyed your series on manners and gives me the motivation to be nicer to service people. Not that I'm mean, but to interact more. Make eye contact, have more patience with the s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s of some of the cashiers here in the south. Love ya'!

  2. Trust me, there are slow cashiers everywhere! Some don't care, some can't help it....I try to give each one the benefit of the doubt. I'll admit though, at my own store, I seek out the faster ones even if I have to wait a little longer in line. ;)
